Small Amethyst Crystal Hearts - 30mm

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Looking for some beautifully polished Amethyst Crystal Hearts?

These make a great gift for someone you love or just to spoil yourself. These are beautiful hearts that have some amazing purple colours within.

Approximate size of these amethyst crystal hearts

We have used approximate sizes in this case as we have a couple of these in stock at any one time. We always photograph the ones that are either the exact ones you will receive or ones very close to it in size and colour.

Here are the approx weight and size of the small amethyst crystal hearts to buy on this page.

  • Weight - 16grams
  • 30mm x 30mm
  • Depth - 13mm

Please Note: You will receive one similar to the photograph; however, each small amethyst heart is a natural stone and will vary slightly.

What is Amethyst used for?

Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals.

It is considered a crystal of protection, selflessness, nobleness, spiritual consciousness, meditativeness, balance and inner peace. It is a great stone for meditation and enhancing your intuition.

Amethyst is a great stone for the mind. It allows you to have focus and clarity, especially when you set your intention to those areas.

Amethyst is said to be a great stone for deep thinking too. Nothing facilitates deep thinking more than meditation, so be sure to have plenty of Amethyst around you during your meditations.

You will find you can think deeper, more clear and have more breakthroughs when surrounded by Amethyst. Many people love to have a wonderful Amethyst Geode Cave in their main meditation room or their office, where most of their thinking is done.

Amethyst helps balance the highs and lows

According to Judy Hall, author of the bestselling Crystal Bible book, Amethyst is a brilliant crystal to balance out the highs and lows in life.

Hall has said 'Amethyst dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Alleviating sadness and grief, if supports coming to terms with loss.'

Collections: Amethyst, Crystals, Hearts

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